Saturday, March 17

Easter Week is coming!

Bavaro Beach, Los Corales, Punta Cana District

EASTER WEEK: The one and only time of the year where ALL Hispaniola Island regulars will be in full beaching mode, starting Friday the 30th of March at 5:01 pm...until Sunday the 8th of April at 11:59 pm.
Viewer discretion advised...

Yeap, 'Semana Santa' is around the...palm tree.

Salvaleon de Higuey City

A rare view of Salvaleon de Higuey City, founded in 1506, capital of the La Altagracia Province, with the Higuey Basilica (cathedral) seeing from a hill in Higuey's north side. It was up to 1962 when La Altagracia become a separate province from El Seybo Province, dated from the early days of the colonization.

Sunday, March 11

2012 Punta Cana Carnival

One of the many 'comparsas' (dancing groups in customs) --scarecrows and chocolate soldiers-- from Bonao, a city 400 kilometers northwest Punta Cana. Bonao's participants are among the most creative.
One more time, pioneer GRUPO PUNTACANA held its 5th edition of the Punta Cana Carnival, over the main avenue in Puntacana Village, a high middle class neighborhood closed to the Punta Cana International Airport, the very first urban development in the easternmost coast of Hispaniola.

A highly professional organization with hundreds of Dominican dancers flowed throughout the 2-kilometer avenue --surrounded by the tropical forest-- with thousands of spectators, both local and tourists, in a perfect Caribbean Saturday afternoon with blue sky, cool breezes and the one-in-a-kind Merengue music!

The carnival, as usual, was headed by pioneer and developer Frank Rainieri himself on board of his restored '66 Mustang. From 4 o'clock to pass 10 pm, the Dominican rhythms and colorful customs hypnotized the audience. Local Merengue singer Eddy Herrera and raper Secreto closed the carnival with the incredible Dominican enthusiasm and hospitality, a worldwide trade mark that brings millions of tourist every year to Punta Cana District.